Monday, March 5, 2012

I am becoming more and more in love with BEAUTY work and headshots. I love great quality makeup achieved by professional Makeup Artists and even Hair Stylists, coupled with a fantastic Photographer that understands Beauty Lighting!

For Beauty Shots and headshots, concentration is more on the hair, makeup, and facial expression, but I adore when people work their hands into play, especially models who pose their hands properly!

If you are wondering how to pose your hands properly, without making them look awkward or manly, instead of flat hands, or completely spread fingers, resort to what I've always called "The Waterfall" in which you curl your fingers in slightly, at staggered lengths...pinky curled in the tightest, then ring finger slight less curled in, middle finger even less curled in and finally the pointer finger sticking out the most. Here are some examples where strong hair, makeup, expression and "The Waterfall" come into play!!

Photographer: Fred Prose
MUA/Hair: Kristine Frank

Photographer: Fred Prose
MUA/Hair: Kristine Frank

Photographer: Fred Prose
MUA/Hair: Kristine Frank

Photographer: MLP Studios(Michael Luna)
Makeup: Myself (Teresa Myers)

Photographer: MLP Studios(Michael Luna)
Makeup: Myself (Teresa Myers)

Photographer: Bobbie Osborne
MUA: Libby Nachtrieb

Photographer: Dave Kelley (Studio Seventy3)
MUA: Kerri Metcalf
Hair Stylist: Vanessa Ripoyla

Photographer: Ed Wilson
MUA/Hair: Myself (Teresa Myers)

Photographer: James Robertson
MUA/Hair: Myself (Teresa Myers)

Photographer: James Robertson
Hair/MUA: Myself (Teresa Myers)

Photographer: Kelly Ealy
Mua: Natasha Newhouse

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